Mindful Care & Touch
Massage Therapy & Energetic Treatment
- in the Algarve -
"Sylvie's healing hands… through her quality of touch you feel
her absolute presence & focused intention as she releases tensions,
and guides the body and mind into deep relaxation."
— Laura M., England

About Me
I believe that my talent resides in my ability to combine the power and benefits of touch to my attentive, generous & caring presence, for true care and renewal of the body & mind.
I feel deeply touched by human beings, by their great complexity and vulnerability, and I am extremely privileged to be able to meet them and take care of them through the treatments I offer.
Passionate about life, I felt called to go back to school to study naturopathy and massage therapy, and thus understand and learn about health and well-being in the natural world. At the same time, the practice of meditation and yoga
- two pillars in my life - allow me to be in the present moment, to meet what is, pleasant or unpleasant, and to have a better understanding and interaction with those around me and with myself.
I feel that my soothing and enveloping treatments reflect and transmit all of this... But I leave it to you to judge!
I look forward to taking care of you,
Sylvie Thomas
"When you start taking care of yourself, you start feeling better,
you start looking better, and you even start to attract better.
It always starts with you."
- Idil Ahmed
My Treatments

Kinetic Swedish Massage ®
Considered the most classic form of bodywork, this massage requires long, fluid movements from one muscle attachment point to another. Provides deep muscle relaxation and promotes increased range of motion (hence the term "kinetic" meaning "movement"). Promotes blood and lymphatic circulation and the elimination of toxins, and helps the body regain its natural balance.
Thai Oil Massage
This energetic technique is done on the Sen lines (energy lines) with oil, combined with acupressure points. This massage allows energy to circulate throughout the body, while relieving physical and mental tensions. Certain movements, such as pulling and stretching, are used to create more space in the muscles and joints. It is both a relaxing and energizing massage.
Deep Tissue Massage
This massage focuses on realigning the layers of muscle and deep connective tissue by loosening the fascia that surrounds the muscle. This approach is particularly effective for chronic tension and tight areas (neck, lower back and shoulders). Here, the maneuvers are performed without oil and the movements are slower, the pressure deeper and more concentrated on the areas of tension and pain.
Access Bars ®
Energetic approach to freeing cellular memories through the activation of 32 points or "energy bars" located around the head and corresponding to specific aspects of life (creativity, money, sadness, communication, etc.). The activation of these points will release the electromagnetic charge of all the thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that limit us in these areas of life. The minimum you will feel after a session is a very deep sense of relaxation!
Get in Touch
Or contact me by...
+33 650 111 927
(WhatsApp, Telegram, Signal)
+351 939 929 122

Everything we seek is also seeking us.
If we remain calm, what we ask for will come to us.